The Secret Life of Bibi Khadijah ('alayha salam)
Original Ismaili Poetry and Resources on the Spiritual Status of Hazrat Khadijah⁽ᶜ⁾ in the Religion of Truth
This article explores Ismaili esoteric perspectives on Hazrat Khadijah’s⁽ᶜ⁾ profound spiritual role in relation to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). It introduces the poem “The Secret Life of Bibi Khadijah”, inspired by Rashida Noormohamed-Hunzai’s groundbreaking work which portrays Bibi Khadijah⁽ᶜ⁾ as far more than a devoted wife or the first believer. According to Ismaili ta’wili (esoteric) teachings, particularly as expounded by the Fatimid Ismaili hujjat Ja‘far bin Mansur al-Yaman, Hazrat Khadijah⁽ᶜ⁾ held one of the highest ranks within the religious hierarchy (hudud-i din) or Da‘wa (Summons) of her time. As such, she played an indispensable role in the Prophet’s spiritual journey, guiding him before the advent of his prophethood. The article highlights how her exalted status as hujjat (proof; enlightened sage) of the Imam of her time, positioned her as an initiatrix and spiritual leader, beyond conventional Islamic narratives.
Through the lens of Ismaili ta’wil, the article uncovers how Hazrat Khadijah’s⁽ᶜ⁾ title, “seal of the forty ranks”, reveals the esoteric significance of the Prophet receiving his prophethood at the age of 40, aligning with the completion of the 40 hudud. The article also briefly explores the concept of zill-i mamdud (extended shadow), a Qur’anic metaphor for spiritual light and bounty. It explains Hazrat Khadijah’s⁽ᶜ⁾ participation in this extended shadow as an exalted soul connected to the pure Imams and the matters of Imamat. This spiritual connection solidifies the Ismaili view of Bibi Khadijah⁽ᶜ⁾ as an essential figure and a model for all followers of the Imam in the Ismaili understanding of esoteric religious leadership and spiritual elevation.