Video: The Concept of Knowledge (‘ilm) in Nasir-i Khusraw’s Philosophy
On Thursday, March 14, Khalil Andani (Master’s Candidate, Harvard University) delivered a presentation on the concept of Knowledge (‘ilm) according to Sayyidnā Nāṣir-i Khusraw. This presentation took place during the 17th annual NMCGSA Graduate Symposium held at the University of Toronto.
Khalil’s presentation explores the ideas of knowledge (‘ilm), intellect (‘aql), perception (andar yāftan; idrāk), recognition (ma‘rifah) and inspiration (ta’yīd) in the philosophy of Sayyidnā Nāṣir-i Khusraw and discusses two levels of knowledge – direct intellectual perception (andar yāftan) and conceptual knowledge (taṣawwur). His presentation (click here for abstract) consists of the following sections:
a) Contextualizing Nasir-i Khusraw
b) The Objects of Knowledge
c) Knowledge as Intellectual Perception
d) Knowledge as Conception
e) Ma‘rifah (Recognition)
f) From Potential Intellect to Actual Intellect
g) Conclusion
Listen to the presentation and view the powerpoint slideshow video below (view on 720p quality):
View on Vimeo:
Khalil Andani is a young professional from Toronto and currently a Master of Theological Studies (MTS) candidate at Harvard University. He is a Chartered Accountant (CA/CPA) and holds Bachelor of Math (BMath) and Master of Accounting (MAcc) degrees from the University of Waterloo. Khalil is also a contemporary Isma‘ili Muslim thinker whose areas of focus include theology, philosophy, metaphysics, hermeneutics (ta’wil), and the perennial philosophy (sophia perennis). He writes and delivers presentations on Isma‘ili philosophy and praxis to help revitalize the Shi‘i Muslim intellectual tradition. He can be contacted at